Saturday, March 16, 2013

True Love

Don’t get me wrong. I am no expert in ‘love-ology’. But this love belongs to those people who make my day. F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
I have had friends through different stages in life, just like every other person. From childhood friends, teen friends, college friends, friends from work to off late, friends who I happen to meet through mere coincidences. Falling in love was also through friendship for me.  No matter how many people gets added to the list in one’s lifetime, at some point the list gets sorted out on its own and what gets left behind are the most precious gems of people who turn to be an integral part of your life. And those are the people who shape your thoughts and perhaps the ones you label as the ‘3 am friends’. The most beautiful thing about friendship is trust-love-share. I believe the best of friends happen at two major phases in life. One, as a child when you pick friends out of innocence and the second phase in life would be from your late twenties when you are certain about your picks and mature enough to stand by your words and choices. 
I have met some of the most loyal people I have ever known over the past one year. Every laugh, tear, toothy grins, hours of hitting on each other and every other single moment gets imprinted as memories which can never be replaced even if the people you love are far off.